Is anyone else afraid of taxes? They are one of the great and gloomy mysteries of adulthood.
First Impression: grown-ish
image via facebook (@grownishTV)
I was excited to see the premiere of ABC's grown-ish.
Before I can begin to explain what it is that I hoped for and what exactly I found in the premiere of grown-ish, I have to tell you what it is that I so love about its parent show Black-ish.
Black-ish has provided viewers with a much-needed representation of a black family in today's America. One of the things that is so refreshing about Black-ish is its general wholesomeness and the fact that it features a successful black family who defies many stereotypes without being stripped of its black culture. The characters are woke without being loud or pretentious. The show addresses issues of race without letting that be its sole focus. We got the spirit of The Cosby Show in a story of its own with enough modernity to be considered relevant and relatable. In many ways, the show has been unlike any other primetime show on television, so I had high hopes that when its spinoff was born, it would carry those favorable traits.
Now let’s talk grown-ish. The good news is that the show does, in fact, carry some of the traits I loved from Black-ish. Most notably, the producers have once again brought forth a missing demographic from primetime television. Black-ish is one of very few shows in our time to address the college experience of people of color. Representation matters - children of color need to know that “the quintessential college experience” is not reserved for the monochromatic demographic that we see in the majority of popular films and tv shows. Black characters in college are more than whitewashed or uncharacteristically obnoxious best friends for white kids. Also, there are parts of the college experience that can be very different for people of color. The show has yet to really address those issues, but we are only two episodes in and the potential is certainly there.
I do not have a lot to say about the show just yet, but I did have some strong feelings about my first impression.
In a matter of two episodes, we are introduced to the starter pack for every set of adolescent characters on TV. We have our closeted gay character with a religious background, our drug addicted cool kid, our drug dealer brainiac, our socially ignorant Christian girl, and our overly committed socially-conscious character. Then, of course, we have Zoe, who reminds us that of all of Dre Johnson’s children, she has had the least depth or character development. She is Dre’s favorite, generally self-centered, popular, and sometimes shows herself to be a caring older sister and daughter. On grown-ish, it looks Zoe will be figuring out who she is right along with us, which is fitting since a huge part of the college experience is learning who you are or who you want to be. Aside from Zoe, a lot of the characters from our starter pack already seem a bit cliched, but I am sure we will find their stories to be deeper than what they appear to be at this point. I can live with that.
The thing that I do not particularly care for is where and with what level of immediacy the show goes in its first couple of episodes. Within their first few weeks, Zoe and other characters are confronted or involved with drugs and alcohol, partying, cheating (academic), and sex.
Between this and the cliches represented in the starter pack character set, I feel like the show is folding into a neat little box of norms where it should be stretching beyond the typical portrayal of the college experience. Sure, all of those things are available in an average college experience, but they are not what make a college experience. Those can be present without being the focus of the characters’ experience.
If you’re reading this and you think that I am crazy or ridiculous, chances are that these things were a part of your experience. The things is, these were not a part of my experience, and while I hardly believe that mine was the typical college experience, I would dare say that there a lot of people like me who went through college without that part of the experience. Regardless of what anyone’s experience with those parts of college may have been, the most important parts of a college experience were not those things.
The most impactful parts of a college experience are the friends you make, the first times that you develop opinions that vary from the ones you were raised with, the first ethical, moral, and monetary decisions that you make on your own, your first consequential failures and independent successes. So far, the show has done a good job of showing us the beginning of such friendships.
Along the way, the distractions or challenges you face are more likely to come from things that you can’t control like health, family, and circumstance, than drugs, alcohol, or sex. These are the things that I hope grown-ish will show us more so than what it has so far. If that doesn’t happen soon, I think my high hopes for grown-ish may quickly fade, and the show will have lost out on an opportunity to tell a very different and interesting story befitting of such a different and interesting representation of characters.
Bonus: I love the opening credits for the show. The imagery is hazy and ambiguous - near to nostalgic without giving anything away, and the theme song has the same feeling. The song, Grown, is sung by the cast's own very talented Chloe x Halle. I have been listening to it all day long.
Throwback Thursday: Literally No Idea What Was Going On . . .
I have no idea what was going on in this photo, but I sure would like to know who it is that we were looking at! What I do seem to remember is that we were visiting New York, possibly for the first time since leaving there in 2000. I feel like our faces and our postures here pretty much capture our personality, even to this day. Also, I miss New York. There are parts of New York life that I could do without, but there is something about the place and the people of New York that entices me still.
Wednesday's Words: It's Time
image via villagebyblog
Tuesday's Ten: 10 Presumably Proper Steps for Entering a New Year
image via giphy
You are about to put 365 days of your life behind you. Think back on the highs and the lows and remember how they brought you to the point that you are at this very moment Did you make any resolutions last year? If so, what were those?Reflect
Did you carry out any of last year's resolutions? What were your failures and successes from the past year? What did you try this past year that you should continue to do in the coming year? What are the lessons you learned that you do not want to forget? What are areas of your life where you have room to grow?Think Practically
With all that in mind, consider what are the most practical ways that you can improve yourself and your life in the coming year? I like to think of 12 - one for each month, and then organize them in order of those that will take the greatest amount of time to achieve, to those that will take the least. That way, I can build upon a new one each month, starting with the most time-consuming goal, like mastering a new skill.Think Big(ger)
Beyond practical goals that seem well within reach, chose a few that will blow your own mind when you achieve them. You can expand upon an existing goal. For instance, a practical goal might be to lose weight, but a bigger goal might be to drop at least five dress sizes. You should dare to dream boldly. Make up your mind to publish a book or transition into a new career. I like to choose up to 3 of these.Plan to have fun
Chances are that a lot of your goals for the new year will involve a lot of hard work and discipline. All work and no play is no way to spend your year! Start looking at upcoming concerts, anticipated movie premiere dates, vacation destinations, and the like. Pencil all of these into your calendar. None of these are set in stone - you’re just keeping them in your sights and on your mind so that you can plan for them and be encouraged by the chance to look forward to them. Bonus: you can start dropping hints about such things to friends and family for birthdays and anniversaries.Get Real
Do your research and learn how to go about accomplishing your goals effectively. Most people have to do a little more than just decide to succeed - they have to learn how. As you start looking into the strategic ways that you can go about succeeding, think of how to apply it to your life specifically - do you need to adjust your schedule to suit the plan or tailor the plan to fit your schedule? Budget for the things you’ll need. Remember all the productivity apps and calendars you downloaded? Or all of the fancy planners that you purchased? Now is the time to start making use of them.Get Ready
Now you have a plan in mind and a plan on paper (or your phone - or whatever), you need to take the next step in preparing. Clean everything - start your new year in a clean and clear space. Your living (and working) areas should be as your mind should be - clear. This is as practical as it is symbolic. Once your space is ready, buy all the things you’ll need to start accomplishing your goals (as time and finances allow). Once you invest money into your goals, try not to let that go to waste (like that gym membership you paid for and didn’t use last year).Assemble your team
You are going to need people in your corner to encourage you when the going gets tough. And you are really going to need a couple of accountability partners to help you stay on track. Don’t wait until you’re ready to give up to seek support. Choose your team now and let them know your plans before you begin. If you are lucky or like-minded, you may find that their goals align with yours and you can walk alongside one another quite directly as you embark upon whatever your journey to personal growth may be.Celebrate
It’s a new year - do not forget that in your haste to make the most of it. So what if it’s just another turn of the earth around the sun? You lived to see it! Many people did not. In addition to the blink-and-you’ll-miss-it miracle of entering a new year, this is a perfect time to renew your drive to be your best self. Take it and run with it.Sleep
You have a long 365 days ahead of you (God willing) and not a moment to lose. You are going to need so much rest. Go to sleep while you actually have a day off. Sleep early. Sleep well. Rest up and dream of everything that you want out of this next year.
Monday's Meme: About Those Special Parents
Because these parents keep acting like they don't understand that when their kids are on break I am also on break.
image via educationtothecore
2018, Weightless
image by Jacob Chen via unsplash
About this time last year, I decided that the overarching theme for my resolutions would be “invitation.” I was resolved to accept every invitation that the year had to offer, and furthermore to seek out those invitations that I had failed to notice in the past. I don't know if I'd say I had a 100% success rate in carrying out that resolution, but certainly, I did accept some invitations that had various levels of impact on my life - from work to church to an admittedly small number of new relationships. I tried new things with new people, which was all kinds of wonderful.
Still, there was a lot that remained untried. I toyed with the idea of a tattoo all year long, but I never did make it happen. I kept my songs to myself, even though there was a part of me that wanted to share them. I definitely didn’t dance enough. And last but not least - still no bae in 2017 . . .
I gave thought to what it is that I needed for this new year - a big idea to cover every possible goal and to build upon last year’s resolution. I have decided upon the idea of letting go.
This past year was no 2016, but it wasn’t exactly a walk in the park either. As I saw one person write, "The highs were really high and the lows were really low." I think sometimes the lows carried on beyond their time because I have a way of holding onto them. Deep down, I know better - what’s done is done, and it is best to keep moving forward. Even so, it is easy to let myself be weighed down by all the things I cannot change, and by adverse thoughts and feelings.
I remember the first time I heard the lyrics to Linkin Park’s “Heavy”, it immediately resonated with me.
“I’m holding on
Why is everything so heavy?
Holding on
So much more than I can carry
I keep dragging around what’s bringing me down
If I just let go, I’d be set free
Holding on
Why is everything so heavy?”
If I just let go, I’d be set free - what an idea. I thought about all the things that I was holding onto - disappointment, failure, fear, inhibition - it was a long list. How much richer would my life be if I could let it all go?
More than these internal things, there were external factors in my life that I may have needed to let go of. The first to come to mind was relationships. I found myself so determined to try to hold onto relationships that simply were not going anywhere. How many times should I reach out to an old friend before I decided to simply be free of them? Why in the world did I have 1,220 facebook friends? Was it time for me purge my facebook account and get down to the few people who actually cared about me? It probably was (or is rather), but at this point, my facebook friends are like sitcom characters - I’ve been watching their lives for so long and I’m invested in their stories. Just as I needed to watch less television and be more active, I know that I need to invest more time in actual relationships than in the ones I watch from behind a screen. Upon determining this, I made it my mission to do just that in this last year.
Funny enough, I found that my new and old relationships were intersecting in odd ways. I would learn that a new friend shared an old mutual friend. I ran into old friends while hanging out with new ones (which made me seem a lot cooler than I probably am - like the sort of person who knows everyone). The timing of it all showed me that letting go in relationships does not have to mean saying goodbye. People come in and out our lives at the appointed time. This was a constant reminder of God’s sovereignty.
Every gospel-grown churchgoer is familiar with the saying “Let go, and let God”. Likewise, every Christian knows that this is easier said than done. I wonder how many of my lows might have been highs (or at less low lows) if I had let the circumstances go and left the rest to God. I can be real enough to say that I am a high-functioning control freak, which makes being a person hard, and being a Christian even harder. I think I need to get to the point where I can truly let go this year.
Sometimes my thoughts are so disjointed. Here’s a tidy little picture of what I hope to see in 2018:
Me letting go of thoughts and emotions that weigh me down or hold me back
Me letting go of one-sided relationships and trusting God to bring all the right people into my life at the right time
Me letting go of my charade of control and trusting God to work all things out for my good
Natasha Bedingfield's “Weightless” captures the picture of what I want for this year:
“The sky is the limit and I just want to float
Free as a spirit on a journey of hope
Cut the strings and let me go
I’m weightless
I’m weightless
Millions of balloons tethered to the ground
Weight of the world tries to hold us down
Cut the strings and let me go
I’m weightless
I’m weightless”
In a word, this year I want to be weightless
Monday's Meme: About Navigational Assistance
Because as directionally challenged as I am, I really want to help.
image via facebook (@AmazingThingsiWeb)
A Song for Sunday: He's Always Been Faithful
Fun Friday: A Single Line of Music from Marcel
Here's a little flashback Friday video to carry you through the next several days of your life. The quirky, lovely Jenny Slate share a single line of music as Marcel the Shel. You guys I chance encountered this clip on Tuesday, and I hit replay so many times throughout the week. It has been a real pick-me-up in the midst of a trying time.
A Song for Sunday: On and On
Fun Friday: A Poem for Potties
If you spend enough time around children, you will find that they have an affinity for jokes and words related to the potty. This little affinity is so widespread that we have taught the children a term for it - bathroom humor - and we have taught them that it is not allowed. As a general rule, I am not a fan of bathroom humor, but every now and then I must admit to the comedic value of the right toilet joke. Today, I share with you the most near-elegant and successful attempt at Bathroom humor, a poem entitled Ode to Tiolet, by my 16-year-old brother, Isaiah.
image via max pixel
Ode to Toilet
by Isaiah Georges
Oh toilet.
You are my rock.
You are the stool on which I may release my stool.
When I need rest it is to the restroom I come running.
For in this room which some find insignificant,
I find a home, a place of refuge,
a place where I am free of all my worries.
As I drop my poop I find comfort from a poopy day.
Even when someone lays waste to my life,
I know I can still lay my waste in you.
So toilet, I write this ode to you
to show my appreciation
for the strength you allow me to retain
and the appetite you allow me to regain.
Though I may not say it enough,
I now say it proud and say it loud.
I love you toilet.
Throwback Thursday: Morgan on Halloween 2015
This is my favorite photo of Morgan on Halloween to date. My cousin is a pretty girl, and that will never change, but as she gets older and her little features mature, I miss the childish cuteness that she once had about her. On the upside, that little winking charm will likely remain no matter how much she grows. She is our little princess, and I am so glad that one day she came to Texas and stayed a while.
Woman Crush Wednesday: My Mom
We need more photos together. This is not our smiliest, but it is our most recent, so I am grateful for it.
For giving me life, because that was no small ordeal
For helping me grow, and guiding me still
For all of the times that you are there in all of the ways
For being the mom every other mom wanted to be
and making it look so easy
Mother, you are my Woman Crush this Wednesday
Happy Birthday!
Tuesday's Ten: 10 Ways to Spend Halloween
Growing up in the Georges household, there were many things that we did or did not do as Georges. Some of those things were a function of our religious beliefs. Others were a function of our culture. And some were simply a function of being born to Emmanuel and Guirlene Georges. While there were a few things I wished we did differently (at least when I was young), I have found that I would stand by most of those customs we held even now as an adult.
My children will not be involved in the happy little lies that folks tell about Santa or the tooth fairy. They will hear, as I did, that they "are not in school to make friends". They'll observe quiet time for themselves each day. I love all of these things that my parents held to in our home.
One thing I remember most is the observance of Halloween. The Georges do not do Halloween.
At this point, I consider Halloween to be just a commercial holiday for consumers to waste money on costumes and candy. I do not buy into any of that (although I will stock up on all the candy that will go on sale afterward). However, I do understand the desire that children have to be a part of all the fun around them during Halloween. I remember wishing that we could have joined in when I was younger. In time, I got over that, and I came to realize that there were better ways to spend our time on Halloween. Here are 10 ways to spend Halloween.
image via odyssey
Watch movies
So this might seem like kind of an obvious choice, but you have to do it right. This is not a night for just any movie. Scary movies are a good idea if you're into that (which I can be - it depends). I would personally recommend classic horror movies - the kind that are not so much scary as they are suspenseful. We enjoyed some wonderful family nights as our father introduced us to actors like Bela Lugosi and Lon Chaney Jr.Watch TV
This has been one of my favorite ways to spend Halloween night as an adult. For folks who do not regularly watch television, this is a great night to plan on binge-watching a show. For example, you would do well to catch the new (or also the old) season of Stranger Things. Occasionally when Halloween falls on a weeknight, some weekly obligations may be canceled. For me, that meant an opportunity to actually catch my show air tonight, rather than waiting to see it on Hulu later. Did anybody else spend Halloween watching This Is Us?Eat Out
Those of us who do not have children may not want to be bothered with the sound of the doorbell ringing all night long and little expectant small people on the other side calling out for candy. You can make like a Georges and hide in your home (we would turn out the lights and ignore the doorbell) or you can go eat at all the family restaurants that will be empty(ish) as all the families are out trick-or-treating.Host a Candy Game Night
Every holiday is an excuse to host a game night. On Halloween, you might consider pulling out games with "spooky" themes, like Clue or Suspicion (I have yet to win either of these games). Make things interesting by adding candy to the mix. I have never played for money, but I will gladly play for Kit Kats."Camp Out"
I'm not really much of a camper, but I do enjoy s'mores and guitar sing-alongs around a bonfire. If anyone in your crew is any good at them, scary stories will really kick things up a notch. Of all the time (not much) that I have spent around a bonfire, the time I spent singing was the best of it.Visit a Haunted House
I have only ever been to a haunted house once, and it was surprisingly fun. I don't know why it is that we can be so entertained by being scared. I went with co-workers and I think it was an awesome experience for us to share and get to know one another better. Once you've seen someone scared, you've certainly gotten to know them a bit better.Catch a Hayride
Not a fan of haunted houses? Hayrides are a sweet alternative. Something about riding hayride makes me feel like I am living in another time, if only for a moment. It's such a simple thing to do on a night when people are pulling out all the stops, and and the tricks, and the treats. With the right weather and the right people a hayride can be especially nice.Get Ready to Write a Novel
(Nearly) Every year for many years now I have joined a few of my friends in a wild idealistic pursuit of writing a novel in a month. We are part of a larger community of writers who take part in what we call Nanowrimo (National Novel Writing Month). The event takes place every November. For the select number of folks who feel so inclined to write 50.000 words in 30 days, October 31st is full of anticipation for the upcoming challenge. In fact, during the day, there is a Virtual Write-In.Start a new book
Not ready to write a novel? Read one. Hide away like a happy recluse and start a good book. Halloween is a good night for a scary story. I haven't done that in a while, but I used to love reading such things as a kid. My siblings and I loved anything by R.L. Stine or Bruce Coville. Consider choosing a spooky short story collection.Sleep
When I was a kid I used to hate going to bed. I wanted to stay up late with my parents, and I found that sleep was an obstacle in the way of literally everything else that I could be doing at any given moment. My feelings towards sleep are more complex now. I still wish that I could function without it, and in so doing add hours to my day, and I am still a night owl by nature, but I have also come to really love sleep when I am ready for it. There is no other feeling in the world quite like the one you feel when you lay cozily at ease in your bed and let sleep overtake you.
Monday's Meme: About PSLs
Because I am surrounded by people drinking PSLs and the resemblance between those people is sometimes uncanny . . .
image via smosh
A Song for Sunday: Heartbeat
Fun Friday: My First Vlog Post!
Fun Friday: Look Left
Last night in an attempt to take my mind off things and just relax a bit, I decided to restart Community (which I never did finish for some reason). I came across this oddly motivational speech, which is a nice upbeat way to start a Friday.
Monday's Meme: About College
Because college inspires such emotion
video via facebook (Student Problems)