Tuesday's Ten: 10 Reasons why I can't believe we've lost Allison Arent

O. My. Stars. In last night's episode of Teen Wolf (yes, I watch it, it's great, you should too), viewers were hit with a major loss. Poor mortal Allison died a sudden death, at the hand of the enemy we thought she had just defeated. It was so sad. I'm sure viewers were surprised at the loss for a number of reasons. Here are ten. 

via facebook

  1. She was Scott's first love 

  2. She was also Scott's initial anchor
  3. She was a great friend,especially to Lydia
  4. She lost most of her family
  5. She was all that Chris Argent had left in the world
  6. She had great conviction and stood up for others
  7. She was incredibly brave and vulnerable at once
  8. She handled her bow and arrow like a boss
  9. She handled devastation with strength
  10. She slayed so many of her own monsters

Honorable mention: 

Her dimples - is that a sufficient reason?

Fun Fridays: Cupcake Court

"But Linda, honey, look it, honey look at this" - There's a pretty good chance you've already seen this adorable video of little Mateo debating with his mother Linda about his cupcake situation. The video was actually uploaded to YouTube on Feb. 19th, but seems to have gained rush of popularity in the past week (not sure how or why, but I'm glad it did).

Tuesday's Ten: 10 Oldschool Movie Crushes

Every now and then I find that I am in the mood to watch a classic Hollywood film, but as with any other film I would watch, romance is a must, and I hope for an attractive male lead to follow on the screen. Classic Hollywood men have quite a look - timeless some might say, but not all of them are particularly attractive to me. Here are ten men who made the cut.

1. George Chakiris in West Side Story - "Nardo" as Maria called him, was like a billion times cuter than Tony, from his sharp features to the sound of his voice. Although his voice hardly serenaded viewers in the film, I just loved hearing him speak. What girl wouldn't fall for that accent? I don't know how authentic his accent was, but I bought it - would you believe he is actually of Greek decent?

2. Gregory Peck in Roman Holiday - Peck as reporter, "Joe Bradley" was probably the most attractive guy Audrey ever acted with in any movie (seriously, she was constantly ending up with these older actors who were just not hot enough for her). He had all the charm of a prince save for the title and a classically handsome face. Also, I never saw such so much flirting come directly from the eyebrows.

3. Sidney Poitier in Guess Who's Coming to Dinner -a classically good-looking black man with a je ne se quoi about him, he brought such class to the role of physician, John Prentice. I'll bet there may have been some white women crushing on him even at the controversial time that it was released. It  was the first movie I saw him in and I learned watching him in other roles later his classiness was a trademark in his acting career. He also had an amazing accent - can an accent sound like chocolat (yes I mean chocolate in French)?

Jimmy Stewart in It's a Wonderful Life - So much heart in one character, plus all the charm that Stewart brings to every role single one of his roles. It's no wonder he we call him Jimmy rather than John. Stewart is just so believably human and sweet as John Bailey - the stand-up guy a girl hopes to find no matter what day and age she is born in.

Paul Newman in The Silver Chalice - I don't even remember what this movie was about. All I know is that Paul Newman was a really good looking guy - I can't remember many old movies where I could so appreciate the shirtless scenes - was he even shirtless? Nope, just in traditional Greek attire that showed off all of his best features, save for that adorable face. Fun fact: this film was Newman's debut.

Bruce Lee in The Game of Death - Bruce Lee was just so intense in all of his movies. He hardly needed words to convey what his character was thinking or feeling; it was written all over his face. He had that mysterious brooding face that is thought to be more typical of taller men. Also, he was ripped! And not so much so that it was off-putting. Martial arts must be the key to a perfect body. I specifically remember him wearing that yellow full body outfit in this movie. That and him taking down giant, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar.

Farley Granger in Strangers on a Train - Alfred Hitchcock films often featured characters with faces that could seem distinctly good or evil. Granger had a face that could go either way. But then, he also has a boyishness about him that decisively sways you to vouch for his innocence. I just loved that face, I guess. Side note: the shape of his face kinda reminds me of Tyler Posey.

James Dean in Rebel Without a Cause - I have only ever seen this movie in fragments, here and there when it was playing on television, so I don't remember much aside from the sad end, but boy howdy did Dean make rebellion look good.

Marlon Brando in Guys and Dolls - Lemme just say, that this movie might not be my first choice, but it is the only one I've actually seen him in. Obviously I need to watch A Street Car Named Desire, because I've seen the photos and the clips and o my stars does he shine in that film. Anyhow, he brought to the character of Sky Masterson (can I just say that I love that name?) the masculinity that he was so very well known for. Sky was a classic Hollywood depiction of a bad boy going good for a girl - and that (at least on screen) for whatever reason appeals to me and women everywhere.

Gene Kelly in An American in Paris - One word: charm. Kelly as painter Jerry Mulligan has it in spades. His brand of song and dance was unlike any other in his time or ours, and frankly singing and dancing are bonuses for ladies from all throughout time. Did I mention that he had a killer smile?

Honorable Mention: 

Anthony Perkins in Psycho - What a cute psychopath! If you're raising your eyebrow right now, check out his resemblance to present day actor, Andrew Garfield.

Tuesday's Ten: 10 Books I need to read (or re-read) before they hit theaters

My sister said the other day that the film industry has rediscovered the gold that is books and they are about to make a fortune off of the films they'll be making based off of books. It got me thinking, I really need to get to reading those books. Many of the complimentary films has already been released and more are coming. Here are ten on my personal list.

  1. The Mockingjay (part 1) - I just recently watched Catching Fire and found that it was a pretty good representation of the book (better than the first movie), but there were a few things that I had not remembered. Before the next movie comes out, I definitely need to read the book again, especially since it is being made into not one, but two movies.
  2. The Fault in Our Stars - At the start of the year I bought the book and set out to read it, but I still haven't gotten past the first chapter! My rather emotional sister loved and was clearly moved by this story. After seeing the trailer, I've been struck by the realization that I may like it to and that I need to read it soon.
  3. The Giver - Oh my stars - I can't wait to see this. I read this book in sixth grade and I remember feeling about it a way that I had not felt about any books ever before. Now the story has faded from my memory and I need to refresh it.
  4. Divergent - Can you believe Shailene Woodley got this movie and The Fault in Our Stars? Anyhow, this is one of those books that every other person I've discussed books with has insisted that I read. Apparently it's story line has similar elements to The Hunger Games, which scores it major bonus points.
  5. Vampire Academy - I was aware of this series for some time, but I had not had too much of an interest in vampires (although curiosity made me jump on board the Twilight bandwagon - Team Edward Forever!). The trailer caught my eye and so now I'll need to read the book.
  6. Winter's Tale - The trailer for this movie came on television and drew me in. When the title appeared at the end of the trailer I recognized it from an ARC I had received from a teen library volunteer party some years ago. I had not been able to get into it then, but I think I will try again now.
  7. The Maze Runner -I heard this was a book, but I was not sure that it would suit me. My primary interest at this point, is in the movie right now, mostly because of the cast - or more specifically, a favored Teen Wolf cast member, DYLAN O'BRIEN!! xoxoxoxo
  8. Serena - This is another book that came to my attention as a result of the film/cast. Jennifer Lawrence and Bradley Cooper again?! HappyThankYouMorePlease!
  9. A Long Way Down - A story from the lovely Englishmen who brought us About a Boy. Need I say more?
  10. Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day - Here we have the last, but certainly not the least and the only children's book to make the list. It was published in 1972 (that's the year my mom was born!) and now Disney is bringing it to the screen with Jennifer Garner and the very funny Steve Carrell.

BONUS: Here's a Dylan O'Brien gif from the set of the Maze Runner

And here's another Dylan O'Brien gif  just to increase your happiness.

Tuesday's Ten: 10 Instruments I wish I could play like . . .

If I could prescribe my self it would be the ability to play many instruments well. Right now I kinda-sorta play one and had lessons once for another. Here are ten instruments I would play and the folks who I'd love to play like.

  1. GUITAR like Jack Johnson
  2. UKULELE like Jack Johnson
  3. PIANO like Regina Spektor
  4. AUTOHARP like Basia Bulat
  5. VIOLIN like Kelsey Wilson (Wild Child)
  6. DRUMS like Kim Schifino (Matt & Kim)
  7. MANDOLIN like Pheobe Cryar (The Vespers)
  8. BANJO like Pheobe Cryar (The Vespers)
  9. HARMONICA like Paul Harrington (ft, in Timber)
  10. TAMBOURINE like Kimbra

Tuesday's Ten: 10 Shows I'm Hooked on this year

There was a time when I rarely watched television shows. Looking back on those days, I miss sleep most of all. I have gotten hooked on a number of shows this year and I'm pretty sure if I'm not careful it will be such an unhealthy addiction that legit medication may be needed. Here are 10 shows that have been costing me sleep.

  1. Revenge
  2. How I Met Your Mother
  3. Teen Wolf
  4. Pretty Little Liars
  5. The Mindy Project
  6. Brooklyn Nine Nine
  7. New Girl
  8. Glee
  9. Trophy Wife
  10. Baby Daddy