Tuesday's Ten: 10 Instruments I wish I could play like . . .

If I could prescribe my self it would be the ability to play many instruments well. Right now I kinda-sorta play one and had lessons once for another. Here are ten instruments I would play and the folks who I'd love to play like.

  1. GUITAR like Jack Johnson
  2. UKULELE like Jack Johnson
  3. PIANO like Regina Spektor
  4. AUTOHARP like Basia Bulat
  5. VIOLIN like Kelsey Wilson (Wild Child)
  6. DRUMS like Kim Schifino (Matt & Kim)
  7. MANDOLIN like Pheobe Cryar (The Vespers)
  8. BANJO like Pheobe Cryar (The Vespers)
  9. HARMONICA like Paul Harrington (ft, in Timber)
  10. TAMBOURINE like Kimbra