Did you ever see lightning dance across the sky
Painting tiger stripes on cloudy canvas
Did you ever hear thunder echo out above the trees
Beating and repeating like sounds of celebration
Did you ever taste fresh rain dripping from the clouds
Subtle-sweet like little drops of childhood memory
Did you ever smell the new-cleaned grass during a storm
Filling up your lungs like pleasant joy and oxygen
Did you ever feel rain pitter-patter on your skin,
Soft and wet like baby kisses, little stamps of grace
Did you ever stop to marvel at the storm
How great and beautiful, an orchestrated show
This pretty, stunning thing could captivate and kill you
And yet you rest unharmed and feeling very much alive
Watching the storm go by
With even a small measure of presence of mind
One must acknowledge the magnificence of this design
And take pause to wonder at the wonder of its creator
What more evidence do we need
What greater display could say of Him
“How great thou art”?