I could spend my whole life chasing the end,
For few things are more alluring than happily ever after,
And no story has ever begun that way.
Middles are messy - the heart always is,
But I understand the middle’s importance.
Still, I have found that enticing thing
that glitters about the beginning.
It draws me in closer and closer.
I want to write it, read it, live it
Over and over and over.
I cannot name it in a word, so I will use a few.
There is great hope and excitement
In the start of something new.
Nothing has proven impossible yet,
And all you could lose has yet to be lost.
All that could be lies ahead of you still,
Like a wide, cheerful yellow brick road.
And you relish the thought of where it might go.
A beginning is met with your second-wind,
The one you didn’t know you had in you.
It holds something like redemption.
Dreams that you thought had expired are renewed.
Up from the outset, there’s a breathtaking view.
A beginning lays at your feet like fresh-fallen snow,
Soft and pure, and delightfully untouched.
You can make just about anything of a beginning.
So come now, let us bask in its brilliant glow
And make something marvelous of all the possibilities.
Let’s embrace this beautiful part of the story,
For before you know it, the beginning will end.