I love having something to say and expressing it in words, whether they are scribbled across a page or set to a tune. I have been hesitant to share that with others, but right now, I’m throwing caution to the wind. For one thing, there’s this whole blogging thing I’m doing – I’m sure you hadn’t noticed – I’m beginning to post my lyrics online, I’ll be uploading videos, the whole nine yards (brought to you by the world wide web).
It has been brought to my attention by those who know me best (read: my family) that I struggle somewhat with criticism. I’m working on that . . .
My siblings, Kerissa (16), Uriah (17), Isaiah (9), and Ayana (15) are never hesitant to build me up with their constructive criticism.
On the other hand, people seem especially out to tear you down when it comes to the mediums I chosen to express myself. If only I had been an artist instead or maybe a photographer (which is not to say that they get any walk in the park either), but alas, I am a writer with no idea of whether I am a good one or not. My human nature is inclined to measure that by comparing myself to others. I am hoping to shy away from that practice.
I think we all tend to measure ourselves and our work (or whatever else “it” may be) by what others think, which is not an unwise decision. My pastor spoke about emotional margin (a blog post topic to come) at Bible study last night. He shared how he handles criticism, never ignoring, but first considering the source (how well does the critic know you, or in this case, how much do they really know about writing?) then considering what they’ve said and making any adjustments that will better yourself (or your work). I love the notion of truly considering the source of your critiscm.
As I considered this, Natasha Bedingfield’s song “Strip Me” came to mind.
“Take what you want steal my pride
Build me up or cut me down to size
Shut me out but I’ll just scream
I’m only one voice in a million
But you ain’t taking that from me”
With this in mind I am prepared to make myself vulnerable before others as I present my work and bring what I have to the table. I’ve always had a voice; I’m only just beginning to raise it.
P.S. If you liked the song, check out this artist: