I've been told that my siblings and I are scary alike from our looks to our habits. I figure it's a sibling thing in general, but I sometimes wonder if it's just us. Of course every family, and especially siblings develop a set of norms between themselves, but some of our's seem unique.
1. Finishing one another's thoughts and sentences - It has been said that great minds think alike; perhaps we simply have great minds - every single one of us. Of course that may not be it at all, since they also say that cute couples and married folks finish one another's sentences, and that certainly does not apply to us.
2. Sharing endless inside jokes - Of course any set of people who spend a significant amount of time together, especially if they are close, build a collection of inside jokes among themselves, but our collection is huge, spanning from all our favorite movie/TV/book/personal quotes to the many references we have to situations we have been through with one another and with others.
3. Breaking out in song - You know how some people would totally be up for life being a musical (or is that a select few of us)? Sometimes life with my siblings is not unlike that. You know how on How I Met Your Mother Ted and Robin share that "General Knowledge" joke? If you don't here's a clip for you.
That's how me and my siblings are with basically any set of words that coincides with song lyrics we know. It's fun for us, but could possibly drive other people nuts.
4. nickNAMES - For starters, all of our names sound a bit alike since they all end in an "ah" sound (Moriah, Uriah, Kerissa, Ayana, Isaiah). Our nicknames share the same rhythm since they are comprised of a doubled syllable sound in each of our names (Momo, UU, KK, Nana, ZayZay). Personally, I often refer to my siblings using a single syllable sound (U, K, A, Zay).
5. Laughing in tune - We literally laugh in tune, same start and end times, same kind of laugh, pretty much the same sound. It's weird, I know.
6. Reacting to everything the same way - We pretty much react to everything in the same manner, from the look on our faces to the intonation of our voices and the actual words that we respond with. I am sometimes convinced that we share a brain.
7. Telepathy - Likewise, we seem to be able to communicate without words. Since we've already had one HIMYM example, here's another that illustrates the way it looks.
via jinavie.tumblr
8. Being Co-workers - Ever since my siblings started working there has always been a shared workplace between at least two of us. At one point, all three of us who work were working at the same place. It had not occurred to me that that was uncommon until people said so. Apparently that doesn't usually work out and it is rare for siblings to even want it in the first place. There are days that I wished that we did not work together and I know they feel the same of me, but most days, it's great to work with them.
9. Sharing Friends - Being that we work together, attended school together, go to church together, and pretty much do everything together, we share a lot more friends than most siblings. The fact of that matter is, you can't know one Georges without knowing another, or in most cases, without getting to know us all.
10. Conference Communication - Sharing the number of friends that we do, we often communicate in conference style, whether it's a conference call or a shared Facebook message. It's kinda funny, because it's a bit like texting the person right next to you, only with an added person who is not present in the vicinity. It's most efficient as compared with the times when more than one of us is communicating with a shared friend separately at the same time.