I am trying to carry a resolute spirit all the way through the year, so that I can accomplish all my #Goals in 2018. One of the ways I am doing things differently this year is working with an accountability partner. So far I have determined that I need one, paired up with her, and briefly discussed what our goals are. I am so excited for what lies ahead of us, and I sincerely believe that everyone could benefit from such a partnership. Here are 10 reasons why.
Having an accountability partner requires you to practically think through and commit to your goals. When you consider goals it is easy to think of them in ambiguous or abstract terms -big ideas, but not actual plans. In order to let someone hold you accountable for those goals, you must articulate the steps involved in reaching your goal, establish the timeline for those and agree upon required progress. You might even consider consequences for when you fail to meet your due progress.
Having an accountability partner introduces a new stakeholder into the equation of your outcome. When others invest in you, you become more invested, because the outcome then has a larger effect than it would have on you individually. The easiest person to let down it's your self, which is why accomplishing goals alone can be very difficult. On the flip side, we hate to let others down.
An accountability partner offers emotional support. While you may have a number of friends or family invested in your general emotional support, an accountability partner offers emotional support for this journey specifically. Friends and family may not have the bandwidth to sustain or provide singular focus for your goals the way an accountability partner can.
An accountability partner can literally walk alongside you. Even better than cheering you on from the sidelines or devotedly following your journey, and accountability partner can go the distance with you, participating in the very same process that you are, and gaining the ability to completely understand the struggles you may encounter during that process. Such a commitment would not be unlike Jesus living among us and showing us it was, in fact, possible to live a life without sin. A significant added bonus is that a difficult challenge becomes less so and a lot more fun when you do it with a friend.
An accountability partner looks out for possible pitfalls through an objective lens. You know your limitations, but you may not see the forest for the trees. An accountability partner can see your blind spots and help you to navigate accordingly.
An accountability partner lends a hand in finding tools to help you accomplish your goals. Simply stated, two heads are better than one.
An accountability partner calls you out when you slack off, make excuses, or otherwise fail to uphold your commitment to accomplish your goal. The right accountability partner does not have to be perfect, but they should be driven, and have an existing relationship with you. Remember that tough love is, in fact, coming from a place of love.
Likewise, an accountability partner will push you or encourage you to rest when you are tired or discouraged. They will have the discernment to determine when you are feeling tired rather than being lazy, and whether to push you or advise you to rest. Either way, they'll never let you throw in the towel.
An accountability partner celebrates every Milestone, no matter how big or small. They will celebrate your first steps, the days that you carry on in spite of feeling defeated, and every time that you get up after falling down. When you forget that the journey is as important as the destination, they will stand by with song and dance and all the ways you celebrate to remind you that every step in the right direction is its very own success.
When everything is said and done, and accountability partner wins twice - once for their victory and once for yours. An added bonus is that the process of deliberately being an accountability partner strengthens your relationship.
I am so looking forward to meeting my goals alongside my accountability partner. Together we are going to do great things.