Last night I had the good fortune to meet with a friend and discover that we shared an interest in writing as well as a corresponding need for the discipline that is required to be a writer. We recognized an opportunity to encourage each other in this pursuit and determined what it would look like for us to be writing accountability partners. So just like that, here I am, after a long, unplanned hiatus from my blog, returning to what I hope will be a lot more writing.
It has been an interesting couple of months. My writing space was silent, because my life, and by extension, my mind was anything but. You would think that a mind buzzing at such volume would enable me to write plenty, but it left me with a lot to sort out and a serious need for quiet. I made a few difficult decisions, I learned some things about myself, and I ultimately found myself facing a number of unknowns. I suppose that in a sense, life is the sum of a series of unknowns, but one of the comforts I find is the knowledge (or rather the perception) that there are in fact a few "knowns". I live out my knowns without giving much thought to them, as they comprise my routine - home, work, dinner, family, dog, tv, sleep. When even one of my neat little knowns threatens to become unknown, I become stressed. May and June (and honestly even a while before that) were stressful tiresome months, and while I am still awaiting resolution for a number of the troubles that plagued me in that season, I have found a little rest and renewing reminders that make the coming days seem a little less daunting. I'll write about those troubles, once they are behind me (hopefully soon).
Today, I just want to silently declare that I am back at it again, with great intention and great encouragement. I have a handful of drafts to complete, movie reviews that I started since last year, and a number of other topics in mind.
Friend(s), let's do this.