I have given the blog a modest makeover. The format is going to change up just a bit and the posts will be more frequent. I’ve been inspired by what I am referring to as my early midlife crisis and by my twelfth grade sister’s English teacher.
I’ll begin by explaining the later. My sister’s English teacher has required her students to keep a sort of journal that she refers to as a “memory book”. Each week they have to write at least 3 entries about some experience that they would like to preserve in memory.
My second year of college has just wrapped up and I realize I'm at that halfway point. My brother and sister are graduating fro high school and joining me in college next semester and the summer is brimming with blossoming opportunities for me. I realized that this post will make for me the last of the first baker’s dozen. Honestly, I feel that I should have been farther along with this blog. And that very thought is so terribly symbolic of my life at this point that it's almost scary. I’m calling this period in my life my early midlife crisis.
So today is the day I begin my new process and vow to finish what I have started - and there are so very many things that I have started which are in need of finishing. This post is my private vow and my public invitation for a journey in which I will make myself over, preserve my memories more frequently and effectively, strive for and share my dreams as they come true.
At the beginning of the year I made my list of resolutions, all gung-ho and hyped, but by the end of January it seemed I had already given up. Well as in the spirit of the new year I propose a toast:
Many are the measures of a man according to this world. I buy into few of them and growth is among the few. A good man never stops growing in wisdom, love, knowledge, grace and all that is good under God's glory. The trick is to remain rooted in who you are and what you believe down to the very fibers of your very being while growing, which inevitably involves some level of change. In you and in me I believe there is the magic to do that, so here's to makeovers, memories, milestones, and more to come.
If you liked the song, check out this artist: