Hello Friend,

Thanks for visiting my blog! I’m living in an interesting chapter of my life right now. Long story short, I am a teacher and a grad student, so my waking hours are mostly consumed by work and school. I haven’t had much time for blogging, but I am working on a couple of projects - they’re just not ready for sharing yet!

I am looking forward to some hard-earned adventures this summer, and I know that they will make for great stories! In the meantime, the classroom (experienced as a student and especially as a teacher) is a great source of my writing material. Outside of the classroom, I try to find rest and creative outlets in old and new favorite places.

I host Creative Brunch once a month and I am currently a member of three book clubs. Other than that, I keep my colors handy and my music on perpetually. I’m sleeping too little, but I’m learning a lot this season. I hope you’re sleeping more than I am, learning as much as I am, and finding light and laughter in your corner of the world.

Best Wishes and Warmest Regards (iykyk),